6 Reasons Why Vancouver Businesses Are Using Storage Units

Our storage units provide additional storage space alongside a wide range of benefits that Vancouver businesses need at competitive rates. Here are top six reasons why Vancouver businesses are using our storage units:

Store inventory

If a business has recently acquired more inventory, downsized to a smaller space, seized operation, or wanted to store items from the previous season to create more room for in-season fashion items, they can most definitely use our storage units to securely store their products or office items! We offer month-to-month no-commitment contracts which mean that businesses can store their items for a couple of months when they need the extra storage space and stop using storage units once they have enough space in their offices or stores.

Store vehicles

Businesses use our car storage facility at our U-Lock Self Storage Burnaby and Vancouver location to store their vehicle during their off-season. For example, a home improvement company may experience slow periods during certain months in a year and can pause insurance of a few of their company vehicles and store the vehicles at our Vancouver facility. Doing this helps the company save tremendously on auto insurance and protects the vehicles from external damages if the vehicles were parked out on the street or a parking lot where there’s minimal security. Our car storage unit is located in our storage facility which is protected by gates and fences and monitored 24 hours a day with an HD surveillance system. Each storage unit is installed with individual alarms so when a burglar attempts to break in a storage unit, the alarm would sound and security and police enforcement would escalate to the storage facility to remedy the issue.

Store Home Decorators, Home Staging Props or Real Estate Signs

Realtors, home decors, or professionals who are associated with the real estate industry need a place to store their home decors, home staging props, or for sale signs. Using a storage unit offers you the right solution to temporarily store the items adjacent to their business, such as various types of furniture needed to stage a house for sale in order to make it more appealing. In storage, the items will stay clean and undamaged, especially in a climate-controlled unit.

Store Office Supplies During a Renovation

Renovating or relocating are also times when businesses can enjoy the benefits of storage units as they can temporarily store their stock and a range of other items during the process. Select a storage facility that offers moving truck services for convenience. With various businesses come various needs, so you might want to store diverse items such as desktop computers, file cabinets and documents, cubicle dividers and break room appliances. In the unfortunate event of a fire or storm, you can safely store your business-related items in a storage unit until you can begin carrying out your business as usual again.

Store Documents

More businesses have gone digital nowadays by using cloud services such as Google Drive or Microsoft Azure Cloud to store company documents and these businesses no longer need cabinets to store future company documents. That said, some companies may still want to retain physical copies or certain documents or don’t want to replicate digital companies of certain important or confidential documents and upload the documents onto the cloud. These companies would turn to storage units to store old company documents so these documents aren’t laying around in the office and the companies can use the additional office space for other purposes.

Maintain eCommerce Inventory

Many retail businesses today are strictly digital, meaning that they’re strictly an eCommerce company and they don’t have a brick-and-mortar store, and they need space to hold their inventory. These businesses have turned to storage units to store their inventory. These businesses are using storage units as their “warehouse”. We have a wide variety of storage unit sizes, from 7.5 sq.ft. to 273 sq.ft; businesses can select the right unit size at the right price based on their business needs!

Have questions? Feel free to call us at 1.866.647.8673 or submit a contact form at https://www.selfstorage.ca/contact-us and our staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

Want to reserve a unit at a storage unit rental facility near you? Check out our self storage facilities:

  1. Self storage Burnaby or Vancouver
  2. Self storage Chilliwack
  3. Self storage South Surrey or White Rock
  4. Self storage Parksville
  5. Self storage Nanaimo
  6. Self storage Victoria

4 Ways to Organize Your Digital Clutter

Imagine a world in which your computer desktop has a minimalist, pristine background, your files are perfectly named and easy to find, and you have useful file folders that actually have the files you were looking for! In honor of Clean Out Your Computer Day, here are a few tips to help you organize your digital world and get your computer running more smoothly!

1. Declutter Your Desktop

Our desktops are always the most cluttered area of our computers. They are a catch-all for files that don’t yet have a home, like screenshots, duplicate files, or digital sticky notes. First things first, go through all these files and drag those that serve no purpose (aside from taking up memory) and move them into the trash. To make sure your desktop stays tidy and organized, here’s a few tips:

  • Don’t use the Desktop as your default save location. Instead, save all your new files to your “Downloads” folder.
  • Use your desktop as a temporary working area and only save files to your Desktop for as long as you need them. For instance, your Desktop is a convenient place to save files while you’re working on them, but once you’ve completed the task or project, move those files to the folder they belong to. 
  • Backup your computer. It makes it much easier deciding which files or documents to delete if you know you’ve backed-up your computer’s data to a physical hard drive. 

2. Empty Your Downloads Folder

When was the last time you looked through your Downloads Folder? If it’s been a while, chances are it’s packed full of unnecessary files, like images, memes, screenshots, media files, and documents. Over time, these files can accumulate and take up a lot of memory on your computer. Drag files you no longer need into the trash and delete them. If there are files in there you can’t make a decision on right now, make a “To Be Sorted” folder and move those items into there for a later day.

3. Delete Useless Apps

Do you have apps on your computer that you downloaded and never opened? Or gave up on years ago but it’s still installed on your computer? If there’s an app on your computer that doesn’t bring joy or value to your life, delete it. You’ll be amazed at how much storage you can clear up.

4. Organize Your Files & Folders

Now that you’ve sorted through your digital clutter, it’s time to organize the files you are keeping into folders. You have documents for work, school, personal, as well as videos and photos, but these files should be kept separate. The system of organization you choose is totally up to you, but the best way to start is to create large, main folders and organize them by category, like “Personal,” “Work,” ”School,” or “Finances.” Once you have all your files in the appropriate main folder(s), you can now take your organizing a step further and create sub-folders within each main folder. For example, organize your videos based on dates taken or school work by class or subject. Once you’ve done organizing your files into the proper homes, create a universal naming system and stay consistent so you can always find what you need quickly and conveniently. 

Things to Get Rid of Right Now!

Are you a little bit of a pack rat? Not to be confused with hoarding, we’re referring to those who rarely throws things away out of the idea that “one day” they may need it. For example, is your kitchen drawers full of old take out menus? Closet stuffed with clothes you haven’t worn in over a year? Is there a stack of old DVD’s piled around your TV that you know you’re not going to watch again? If so, then it might be time to put a day aside to take the time to look around your home and determine if you have things you don’t need and thin out those non-essentials for good. Trust us, you’re going to find it exhilarating when you do! All that purging and organizing will eventually lead to a more organized and functional home for you to enjoy.

How do I start?

When we begin the journey to declutter, organize, and tidy our home, we always think the same thing: “I have too much, I don’t know where to start!” The key is to not try to declutter your whole house in one day. We like the ambition, but you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed quickly. Instead, start small. Start your journey by organizing a small area first, like your desk or junk drawer. Approach it one day at a time, one drawer at a time. Once you’re in the decluttering flow of things, transition into tidying and organizing one room at a time.

Declutter Rules

According to 31 Days to Declutter Your Home, there are 8 purging and declutter rules to keep in mind that will help you get the most out of your purge.

  1. One-year rule
    If you haven’t worn it/used it/looked at it in a year, get it out of your house.
  2. Broken beyond repair
    It’s broken, it’s busted, it’s a goner. Get it gone.
  3. Not even yours
    This is the worst type of clutter – you don’t even own it! Give it back to the person who does.
  4. Guilt
    Life gets busy, and you shouldn’t put more pressure on yourself by feeling responsible for things. They are just things, and don’t get you any closer to your goals.
  5. “Just in case”
    Think about your items you keep for this reason. Have any of those events come up when you actually needed them? Maybe, but it doesn’t matter right now.
  6. Publications
    Magazines and newspapers are old; the information contained in them is likely outdated. All of this information is easily found on the web.
  7. Done
    There are items we are just done with, but haven’t gotten around to getting rid of them. Now is that time!
  8. Simply the best
    Only put back into your closets and cupboards the best of what you own or things that you simply cannot part with.

How do I decide what stays and what goes?

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I’ll use it one day” or “it is worth something”? Before you know it, every room becomes storage for something. That mentality will keep you from purging things that really should go. If you won’t use it in the near future or can’t sell it, then it’s most likely not worth keeping. Rather, consider donating or just calling it what it is, trash. To determine what stays and what needs to go, here are three questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Does this compliment my life?
  2. When was the last time I used this?
  3.  Do I truly need this?

The answers to these questions can help your clutter impulses and allow you to clear out the space and move on.

Recycle Used Electronics

You may return your used electronics for recycling to the following retailers:

  • Best Buy stores accept items such as electronics and batteries for recycling.
  • Staples office supply stores take electronics, batteries and printer ink/toner cartridges for recycling.
  • London Drugs stores collect small electronics and other items for recycling.

You may also recycle your old phones to telecommunication providers such as Bell or Telus. Apple Canada and Sony Canada also take back their own products for recycling. For more information on electronics recycling near you, you may visit https://www.recyclemyelectronics.ca/

Need some inspiration? Here’s 30 things you can get rid of right now!

  1. Expired coupons
  2. Broken, old, unused electronics
  3. Take-out menus, utensils, sauce packets
  4. DVDs you know you will never watch
  5. Expired medications
  6. Expired spices and pantry items
  7. Power cords for devices you no longer use
  8. Extra wrapping paper, ribbons and bows
  9. Perfumes and colognes you no longer wear
  10. Expired makeup
  11. Greeting cards
  12. Socks without a match
  13. Books you never read and/or have not referenced in 3+ years
  14. Old receipts for items you can no longer return or exchange
  15. Chipped plates, mugs or cups
  16. Clothes you haven’t worn in over a year, have outgrown, or are torn and/or stained
  17. Memorabilia
  18. Tupperware containers without the lids
  19. CDs
  20. Board games with missing pieces
  21. Furniture manuals
  22. Broken holiday decorations
  23. Duplicate cooking utensils
  24. Old calendars
  25. Old prescription glasses or sunglasses
  26. Old wallets
  27. Touristy knick knacks
  28. Gifts you don’t like but are still holding onto
  29. Worn out or dirty shoes you no longer wear
  30. Things that don’t even belong to you! (return back to the owner)

Let the decluttering begin!

35th Annual Silly Boat Regatta

U-Lock Mini Storage (team U-Lock Storeaways) are participating in the 35th Annual Silly Boat Regatta in support of the Nanaimo Child Development Centre Sunday, July 14, 2019 at Maffeo Sutton Park in Nanaimo and we hope to see you all there! It is wacky, fun, wet, and oh so silly! It is an awesome event for all ages with food vendors, free children activities, entertainment, and of course, a ton of silly racing!

Come out and watch over 50 teams build the silliest of boats and race them in the Nanaimo Harbour in the spirit of helping the Nanaimo Child Development Centre continue their mission of promoting optimum child development by serving children with developmental needs and their families. Last year their signature event raised over $110,000 for programs and services. The goal for this year is $125,000, so we encourage everybody to come out and show their support to ensure they not only meet their goal, they surpass it!

The NCDC provides services and programs to children and youth with developmental challenges and their families each year. The programs at the NCDC include: Early Childhood Education, Supported Child Development, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Language Therapy, Infant Development, Supported Child Development, Child & Youth Development, Family Development, and the VICAN Program (Vancouver Island Children’s Assessment Network).

The Nanaimo Child Development Centre can only continue helping children in our community who have developmental needs and their families through the generous donations of supporters. For more information, please visit http://sillyboat.com/page/donate

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

CFAX Santas Anonymous Christmas Hampers

Victoria U-Lock Mini Storage is currently accepting new toys for CFAX Santas Anonymous until December 14, 2018. You can drop off your donations during our office hours of Mon-Fri 9:30am-6pm and Sat-Sun 9am-5pm. Every December, CFAX Santas Anonymous hands out Christmas hampers containing toys, clothing, food, and other gifts to local families living in poverty.

With your help, CFAX Santas Anonymous can put food on the table and gifts under the tree for those that are struggling during the holiday season. They are asking generous members of the Greater Victoria community to donate new toys, clothing, and other items to help fulfill the Christmas wishes of local families and make sure every child wakes up to a Christmas Day with presents and food. CFAX Santas Anonymous are requesting new toys for children of all ages, but due to the supply of stuffed animals they currently have, they are requesting no stuffed animals this year. 


Volunteers of all ages are welcome!

Click here for more information of how you can contribute to the cause.


  • Donate online: make an online donation
  • Donate by phone: call 250-920-4644 to speak with someone about your donation
  • Donate in person: visit a Tree of Wishes displays at one of the local shopping centres accepting donations in Greater Victoria

Festival of Trees

Kick off this holiday season by touring an extraordinary lust forest of beautiful trees hand-decorated by local business organizations and individuals. Starting November 15, 2018 and running until January 7, 2019, the 27th Annual Festival of Trees will be hosted at the Bay Centre in Victoria, BC. All proceeds raised through the event go towards the urgent care needs of children in BC, including advancing research, needed equipment, and vital programs tailored to the needs of kids at BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Health Centre for Children and the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

Community Support

U-Lock Mini Storage has been a sponsor of the Festival of Trees since 2008. As a supporting sponsor, we can give back to our community and do our part to help children in need of urgent health care across the province. Our community is only as strong as its members, but when we work together to give back, we can ensure that the BC Children’s Hospital can continue to push boundaries, change the future of care, and better the lives of the families that call our community home. Together, we can create new possibilities. 

U-Lock Mini Storage Tree

Visit the Bay Centre between November 15, 2018 and January 7, 2019 to vote for your favourite tree. We will be sponsoring a tree that will be decorated on our behalf by the volunteers behind Anney’s Closet, an award-winning project of Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore (SIVW). The tree will be decorated in a theme that represents the clients they help. Using the storage units donated by U-Lock Mini Storage at our location in Victoria, Anney’s Closet has created a free store using household items donated by the local community for woman and girls in need of household items and help them transform their new apartments into functional and comfortable homes.

Visit our Facebook page to see our decorated trees from previous years!

To vote for our tree in the People’s Choice award, you can visit the Bay Centre and vote in person, or visit the BC Children’s Hospital website and vote by donation to our tree.

Click here if you wish to donate to the BC Children’s Hospital


November 15, 2018

January 7, 2019


The Bay Centre
1150 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 3M9

Motorcycle Storage: Winter Preparation

As the temperature begins to drop, we are reminded that winter is just around the corner and the riding season is drawing close to an end. For motorcycle enthusiasts, winter means dangerous road conditions caused by ice and snow, and rust and corrosion to bikes caused by salt and other road treatments. For many Canadian bike owners, now is the time to start thinking ahead to winter storage and what steps you can take to ensure your bike is protected during the cold winter months.

Whether you live in an area where weather makes year-round riding impossible, vacationing for a few weeks or months, or only ride your motorcycle on the weekends, a self storage unit is a great option to make sure your motorcycle remains in tip-top shape all year.

Here are some essential things to consider when you are planning your motorcycle winter storage solution…


A motorcycle does not occupy much space, so a 5×10 storage unit is a perfect size to accommodate a single motorcycle and accessories such as jackets and helmets. If you are looking to store any additional seasonal items or multiple motorcycles, you may require a 10×10 storage unit.

Features to consider when getting a storage unit:

  • Heated storage: Provides an environment where temperature and humidity are moderated and protection against extreme weather of any season.
  • Security: Individual unit door alarms, video surveillance, and onsite monitoring will provide you with peace of mind.
  • Flexible hours: Allows you to access your bike at your convenience.
  • Garage-style door: A full-size garage-style door will provide easy access to allow you to get your bike in and out with ease.


Clean your bike

Give the bike a thorough wash and completely dry it by removing all moisture off the surfaces. Be sure to remove any dirt, grime, bug guts, and water spots because they can corrode the finish.

Change the oil

Replace the engine oil and filter plug before putting the bike into storage. Used motor oil is full of harmful contaminants and sediments that are extremely corrosive and can cause serious damage, such as etching of metal surfaces and engine parts, like the transmission gears and bearings. Consult with your owner’s manual to determine what kind of oil your bike uses and what filter matches your model.

Fill the gas tank

Condensation can form when tanks are left partially empty for long periods of time. Prevent any moisture from forming and causing rust by filling the gas tank and adding the recommended amount of fuel stabilizer. Run the engine for a few minutes to allow the stabilizer to settle in. Be sure to use a recommended fuel stabilizer as indicated in the owner’s manual.

Lubricate all moving parts

For chain-driven bikes, lubricate the chain as well as the throttle and clutch cables before storing.

Tend to the tires

Fill your tires to their recommended maximum pressures before storing. Tires are porous and will lose air while in storage. If you can, try to keep your bike elevated off the ground so there is less pressure and weight on your tires. You can prop your motorcycle on a pallet, paddock stands, or on its center stand (if it has one).

Conserve the battery’s charge

If you are storing your bike inside a heated storage unit, there is no need to remove the battery, but it is recommended that you clean and lubricate the terminals and leads to prevent corrosion.

If you are storing your bike where the temperature drops below freezing, it is recommended you remove the battery and trickle charge it all winter. Or, you can store your bike with a fully charged battery, but it is recommended you give the battery a charge once a month during the idle period.