How to Prevent Injuries When Moving

Moving to a new home is exciting and often marks a big milestone. However, the process of moving to a new home or to a storage unit can be stressful and chaotic, increasing the risk of injuries. With careful planning and preparation, you can minimize these risks.

Common Injuries During a Move

Understanding potential injuries helps in preventing them. Here are some common injuries people experience while moving:

  • Broken fingers or toes
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Back injuries
  • Sprained ankles
  • Shoulder or neck injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Muscle tears, cramps, or strains
  • Hernias

These injuries can be scary, but they are avoidable with proper precautions.

Tips to Prevent Injuries

Preparing Your Body for Heavy Lifting

  • Exercise Regularly: Increase your stamina, muscle strength, and flexibility with bodyweight exercises.
  • Eat Well: Consume lean proteins and enough calories to fuel your body.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to support muscle growth and prevent dehydration.
  • Packing Wisely
  • Use Uniform Boxes: This helps with stability and makes boxes easier to stack and move.
  • Label Boxes: Clearly mark contents to ensure safe handling.
  • Protect Fragile Items: Use bubble wrap and special kits for mirrors and pictures to prevent cuts from broken glass.
  • Use Quality Materials: Good boxes and heavy-duty tape are essential. Seal boxes well to prevent them from breaking open.

Prepping the Surroundings

  • Clear Obstacles: Ensure paths are free of debris, branches, and puddles that could cause slips.
  • Organize Tools: Keep sharp tools like scissors and knives in a designated area.
  • Use Furniture Pads: Attach sliders to heavy items to make them easier to move.
  • Arrange Childcare: Have someone look after pets and children during the move.

Getting Ready on Moving Day

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear clothes that cover your skin, knee pads, braces, thick gloves, and sturdy, closed-toe shoes.
  • Warm-Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of aerobic activity to prevent muscle injuries.
  • Lift Properly: Bend your knees, keep your back straight, and hold objects close to your body. Avoid twisting or rushing.

During the Move

  • Use Moving Equipment: Dollies and hand trucks can reduce physical strain.
  • Use Padding: Moving blankets and padding supplies protect items and prevent injuries.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water, take breaks, and stretch regularly.

By following these tips, you can make your moving day smoother and safer, allowing you to enjoy the excitement of your new home without the worry of injuries.

How to Prevent Injuries During a Move

Moving into a new home marks the beginning of an exciting journey, but the process itself can often be stressful and physically demanding. To ensure your move is smooth and injury-free, it’s essential to take proactive measures to prevent common moving-related injuries. Here are tips to help you safeguard your move and protect yourself and your belongings.

Understanding Common Moving Injuries

Before diving into prevention strategies, it’s important to understand the types of injuries commonly associated with moving:

  • Musculoskeletal Injuries: These include strains, sprains, and fractures, often resulting from lifting heavy objects improperly or overexerting oneself.
  • Cuts and Scrapes: Handling sharp objects or broken items during packing and unpacking can lead to cuts and scrapes.
  • Back and Neck Injuries: Improper lifting techniques or sudden movements can strain the back and neck muscles.
  • Trips and Falls: Uneven pathways, cluttered floors, or slippery surfaces can cause trips and falls, resulting in various injuries.

Prevention Strategies

Preparing Your Body

  • Fitness and Strength Training: Engage in regular exercise routines to enhance muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries during heavy lifting.
  • Proper Nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet rich in lean proteins and stay hydrated to support muscle growth and recovery.
  • Warm-Up Exercises: Before lifting heavy objects, warm up your muscles with light aerobic activities to prevent strains and sprains.

Packing Wisely

  • Use Proper Packing Materials: Opt for sturdy boxes of uniform size to facilitate stacking and minimize the risk of overloading. Label boxes clearly to identify fragile items and handle them with care, especially if you plan on storing your belongings in a storage unit.
  • Protective Gear: Wear gloves to shield your hands from cuts and abrasions while handling items. Utilize knee pads for added protection during kneeling tasks.

Prepping the Surroundings

  • Clear Pathways: Remove obstacles and debris from walkways to prevent trips and falls. Trim outdoor vegetation that may obstruct movement during loading and unloading.
  • Secure Tools and Equipment: Keep sharp objects like scissors and utility knives in designated packing areas to avoid accidental injuries. Attach slider pads to heavy furniture to ease transportation.

Moving Day Preparations

  • Suitable Attire: Wear clothing that covers your skin and provides adequate protection. Sturdy shoes with good grip and ankle support are essential to prevent slips and falls.
  • Protective Accessories: Equip yourself with knee pads and braces for added support during lifting tasks. Thick gloves offer protection against sharp edges and rough surfaces.

During the Move

  • Proper Lifting Techniques: Bend your knees and lift with your legs rather than your back. Keep the load close to your body and avoid twisting motions to minimize strain.
  • Use Moving Equipment: Employ dollies and hand trucks to transport heavy items safely and reduce physical exertion. Use padding supplies to secure fragile items during transit.

Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Move

By implementing these injury prevention strategies, you can safeguard your move and ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Remember to pace yourself, stay hydrated, and take breaks as needed to avoid overexertion. With careful preparation and attention to safety, you can protect both yourself and your belongings throughout the moving process.

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring a Moving Company: Repurposing Your Move for Success

Hiring a moving company can be a game-changer when it comes to a smooth and efficient move. To make the most of this service and ensure a successful relocation, here’s everything you need to know.

Hiring a moving company can be a game-changer when it comes to a smooth and efficient move. To make the most of this service and ensure a successful relocation, here’s everything you need to know.

Research and Compare Moving Companies

Do your homework and research different moving companies in your area. Read reviews, check their credentials, and compare their services and pricing. Consider factors such as experience, reputation, and insurance coverage to select a reliable and reputable moving company.

Get Multiple Quotes

Request quotes from several moving companies to compare their prices and services. Make sure to provide accurate information about the size of your move, distance, and any additional services you may require. Avoid basing your decision solely on price; consider the overall value and reputation of the company.

Plan Ahead

Contact moving companies well in advance to secure a booking. Popular moving seasons, such as summer and weekends, tend to fill up quickly, so plan ahead to ensure availability. Make a moving timeline and schedule to stay organized and on track throughout the process.

Understand the Services Offered

Different moving companies offer different services, so understand what is included in their packages. This may include packing, loading, transportation, unloading, unpacking, and additional services such as packing supplies or self storage. Clarify any questions or concerns you may have with the moving company to avoid surprises on moving day.

Get Proper Insurance Coverage

Check the insurance coverage provided by the moving company and consider purchasing additional insurance if needed. Understand the extent of coverage for your belongings during the move and clarify any doubts with the moving company. Proper insurance coverage can give you peace of mind during the move.

Declutter and Downsize

Before the move, take the opportunity to declutter and downsize your belongings. Purge items you no longer need or use to minimize the amount of stuff you have to move. This can save you time, effort, and money in packing and transportation costs.

Label and Pack Strategically

Proper packing is crucial for a successful move. Label your boxes clearly with their contents and their intended room in the new home. Pack fragile items carefully with appropriate packing materials. Consider packing an essentials box with important items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home.

Communicate with the Moving Company

Keep open communication with the moving company throughout the process. Inform them of any changes, updates, or special requirements. Be responsive to their inquiries and provide necessary information to ensure a smooth move.

Be Prepared on Moving Day

Be ready on moving day by packing ahead of time, disassembling furniture if needed, and keeping important documents and valuables with you. Be present during the loading and unloading process to oversee the move and address any concerns.

Show Appreciation

After the move, show appreciation to the moving company by providing feedback, leaving reviews, and referring them to others. A positive review or referral can benefit the moving company and help future customers make informed decisions.

By following these tips and understanding the ins and outs of hiring a moving company, you can repurpose your move for success and ensure a smooth and hassle-free relocation to your new home. Happy moving!

11 Essential Tips for a Successful Office Relocation

Moving to a new office space can be both an exciting and daunting task. Whether your business is expanding or you’re seeking a more suitable location, careful planning and execution are crucial for a smooth transition. To ensure a successful office relocation, we’ve compiled a list of 11 essential tips. By following these guidelines, you can minimize disruption and maximize productivity during this significant change.

Create a Detailed Timeline

Start by creating a detailed timeline that outlines all the necessary tasks and deadlines for your office relocation. This will help you stay organized and ensure that important steps, such as notifying clients and suppliers, are completed in a timely manner.

Formulate a Budget

Develop a comprehensive budget that covers all aspects of the move, including packing supplies, professional movers, equipment installation, and potential renovation costs. Having a clear understanding of your financial resources will prevent any unexpected expenses from derailing your relocation plans.

Assess Your Space Requirements

Evaluate your current and future space requirements to determine the square footage, layout, and amenities your new office should have. Consider factors such as the number of employees, meeting rooms, self storage, and parking facilities to ensure a seamless transition to your new space.

Communicate with Employees

Open and transparent communication with your employees is crucial throughout the relocation process. Keep them informed about the move, address any concerns they may have, and involve them in the planning and decision-making whenever possible. This will foster a sense of inclusion and cooperation.

Hire a Reliable Moving Company

Engage a reputable moving company experienced in office relocations. Obtain multiple quotes, check references, and ensure they have proper insurance coverage. A professional moving company will handle the logistics, minimizing the risk of damage to equipment and furniture and allowing you to focus on other critical tasks.

Plan IT Infrastructure

Coordinate with your IT team or service provider to ensure a smooth transition of your technology infrastructure. Arrange for the installation and testing of internet, phone systems, and other IT essentials in your new office. Back up important data to prevent any loss or disruption during the relocation.

Update Your Business Information

Update your business information across all relevant platforms, including your website, social media profiles, and online directories. Notify clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders about your impending move, providing them with updated contact details and any temporary changes in operations.

Efficiently Pack and Label

Create a system for packing and labeling items to streamline the unpacking process. Label boxes by department or area, and include a detailed inventory list. Encourage employees to declutter their workspaces and pack personal items in advance to minimize downtime.

Coordinate with Building Management

If you’re moving into a shared office building or complex, coordinate with the building management to ensure a smooth transition. Confirm logistics such as access to elevators, loading docks, and parking areas. Understand any rules or guidelines for moving in and out of the building.

Plan for Minimal Disruption

Consider scheduling the move during off-peak hours or weekends to minimize disruption to your business operations. Allocate sufficient time for the relocation, allowing for unexpected delays. If possible, maintain a skeleton staff or arrange for remote work during the transition period.

Conduct a Post-Move Evaluation

After the move, conduct a thorough evaluation of the new office space. Assess whether the layout and functionality meet your expectations and make any necessary adjustments. Gather feedback from employees regarding their workspace needs and address any concerns promptly.


Relocating your office is an opportunity for growth and improvement. By following these 11 essential tips, you can ensure a successful transition to your new workspace. From meticulous planning and communication to efficient packing and post-move evaluation, each step contributes to a seamless relocation process.

5 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Moving Company

Hiring a moving company is a key decision when it comes to relocating your home or office. Entrusting your belongings to professionals can alleviate the stress and physical strain associated with moving. However, choosing the right moving company requires careful consideration. To ensure a smooth and hassle-free moving experience, we’ve compiled a list of five important questions to ask before hiring a moving company. By asking these questions and obtaining the necessary information, you can make an informed decision and ensure your belongings are in good hands.

Are They Licensed and Insured?

The first question to ask a moving company is whether they are properly licensed and insured. A reputable moving company should hold the necessary licenses and comply with local regulations. Additionally, they should have liability coverage to protect your belongings in case of damage or loss during the move. Request proof of their licensing and insurance to ensure they are adequately prepared to handle your move.

What Services Do You Provide?

Understanding the range of services offered by a moving company is essential. Some companies may only provide transportation, while others offer additional services such as packing, unpacking, and self storage. Determine your specific needs and inquire about the services they offer. This will help you assess whether the company can meet your requirements and simplify the moving process.

How Do You Determine Pricing?

Pricing is a critical factor when choosing a moving company. Ask for a detailed breakdown of their pricing structure. Do they charge by the hour, by weight, or by distance? Are there any additional fees for specialized items or services? Obtain a written estimate that includes all costs involved to avoid any surprises on moving day. It’s also beneficial to compare quotes from multiple companies to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

Can You Provide References or Testimonials?

A reputable moving company should have no qualms about providing references or testimonials from previous clients. Ask for contact information of customers who have recently used their services. Reach out to these references and inquire about their experiences with the company. This will give you insights into their professionalism, reliability, and the quality of their service.

What is Your Complaint Resolution Process?

Even the most reputable moving companies may occasionally encounter issues or customer complaints. Inquire about their complaint resolution process and how they handle any concerns that may arise during the move. A reliable company should have a clear protocol for addressing customer feedback and resolving issues in a timely and satisfactory manner. This demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction.


Hiring a reputable moving company is crucial to ensure a successful and stress-free move. By asking these five important questions, you can gather essential information to make an informed decision. Confirm their licensing and insurance, understand the services provided, clarify the pricing structure, seek references or testimonials, and inquire about their complaint resolution process. Taking the time to ask these questions will give you peace of mind and help you select a reliable moving company that will handle your belongings with care.

8 Tips For Planning A House Move in Greater Vancouver

A house move is a major task: you have to gather everything around your house, pack it all into boxes, and move it to your new home. To help you move everything efficiently, here are eight tips you can use to plan your house move.

A house move is a major task: you have to gather everything around your house, pack it all into boxes, and move it to your new home. To help you move everything efficiently, here are eight tips you can use to plan your house move.

1. Plan your moving budget

A budget is one of the key essentials in planning an efficient and successful house move. You do not want to end up with a tight budget in the middle of the transition and run out of budget to complete the move. For example, you may need to hire additional help for the move but if you did not plan a budget that included hiring additional help, you might not be able to afford the extra help. Devastating! 

There are a few factors to consider when estimating your budget.

  • Whether you want to hire professional movers or do it on your own.
  • Purchasing appropriate packing materials to avoid any damages on your items during the move.
  • Travel costs – gas, food, lodging, oil change, vehicle maintenance, etc.
  • Purchasing a moving insurance package for additional protection of your belongings.
  • Bills due from your old home and for your new one.
  • Self storage unit for temporary accommodation of items that will not fit into your new home or during the arrangement stage of your new house.
  • An emergency fund for unexpected circumstances during the transition.

2. Develop a timeline or schedule for the move

Creating a timeline or schedule for your house move will help you stick to your plan and avoid procrastination. A schedule will help you coordinate your chosen dates with everyone who is involved in this transition – from the moving company that you hire, to your friends into whom you can tap if you are planning to do the move on your own.

3. Classify your things

It is imperative to sort items in your house into different categories so you can unbox and place items at your new house more easily. You can group similar items into one pile and create subcategories. For example, you can group all reading materials into one pile and sort them into subcategories such as recipe books, travel books, or business books. Once you have created subcategories, you can box them accordingly. When you move these boxes to your new home, you will have an easier time knowing where to place these boxes. For example, if a box says “recipe books”, you know that you can place the box in the kitchen. Easy peasy!

4. Keep track of inventory

Keep track of the number of categories or subcategories you have so you know the number of moving boxes you need to purchase for your move. You can also purchase additional spare moving boxes in case you miscalculate and need more moving boxes for your transition.

5. Book a moving company or truck

Once you have boxed a majority of items at your home and have a good idea of when you can move to your new place, book a moving company. Contact them and arrange a time for them to come to your house and pick up your items. If you plan to move the items yourself, you can book one of our moving trucks to help you move the items from your current home to your next place!

6. Book a storage unit

If you have items around your current house that you do not want to move to your new place right away, you can store them in a storage unit. Belongings such as bicycles, CDs, or older clothes can be stored securely in a storage unit.

There are several storage unit sizes that you can choose from for your move.

For starters, you can rent a 5×5 feet unit which is equivalent to a regular closet. If you only have a few items or documents to store, the 5×5 feet storage unit will surely suffice! If you have more items to store and need a bigger space, we have the 5×10 feet storage unit available. This storage unit size is equivalent to a walk-in closet and it is ideal for those who want store clothes and some documents or home-office supplies.

If you have even more items to store, you can rent a 5×15 feet storage unit. This storage unit size is approximately the same as a large closet and it has the capacity to store business supplies, a few pieces of furniture, sofas, chairs, chest of drawers, as well as some small items and boxes.

7. Buy moving supplies

There is a variety of supplies that you can purchase to help you ensure that your items are moved to your new home safely, and to make sure the transition process is seamless.

Here are the different types of supplies:

  • Boxes of various sizes: boxes come in many sizes that will surely fit according to your needs and will ensure the protection of your fragile items from any damage as they are made of sturdy corrugated cardboard.
  • Bubble wrap: this type of packaging is very reliable for your extremely fragile items such as dishware, ceramics, and electronics. Its material will protect such items against cracks or any damage during transit.
  • Packing papers: this is an alternative in case a bubble wrap is not available. You may wrap those extremely fragile items in these packing papers before putting them in a box, as this can also protect against any potential damage when moving.
  • Permanent or colored markers: this will help you easily label or mark each box. Labels can help you or the movers place the items in the truck according to their fragility.
  • Box cutter and scissors: these tools are needed as well for easily cutting boxes and tapes.

8. Avoid return to sender scenarios

Before moving, make sure that you have updated your mailing address to avoid important mail or deliveries being returned to the sender. You need to ensure that you have contacted important people and organisations to provide your new address. For example: 

  • Address change with the post office
  • Online shopping accounts
  • Insurance companies and bank accounts
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
  • Family and friends
  • Any company that sends you bills

Questions? Feel free to call us at 1.866.647.8673 or contact us online at and our staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

Looking to reserve a storage unit? Find a self storage facility near you:

  1. Self storage Burnaby or Vancouver
  2. Self storage Chilliwack
  3. Self storage South Surrey or White Rock
  4. Self storage Parksville
  5. Self storage Nanaimo
  6. Self storage Victoria